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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.253
Another method is a linked list of lines. This is exactly what it says.
When you read in the file, you split it up into lines, maintaining
pointers to the previous & next line. Line-based functions are much
easier with this method, but searching isn't so easy.
07) How do I reformat paragraphs in vi?
Rather than write a set of macros to do this for you, it's usually
easier just to use an external program to do it for you. If you have
fmt(1), then {!}fmt will reformat the paragraph under the cursor. This
can be fitted into a macro easily enough.
If you don't have fmt, then you can use nroff(1) similarly (with a few
caveats about getting rid of trailing blank lines).
A format program is also to be found inside the EX/VI archives. The
filename is vi.reformat.tar.Z. It claims to be a WordStar reformat.
08) Has anyone got a simple editor for Unix?
This comes up a lot. The answer is usually Microemacs, or some clone of
it. Another choice might be joe, crisp or fpted. See question 02 for
where to get them from.
09) Are there any vi archive sites around?
Ove Ruben R Olsen maintains one of the biggest vi archive sites around.
His site is mirrored at a number of sites worldwide. See the companion
posting for more information.
10) Where can I get vi for VMS?
Both TPU and GNU Emacs have vi emulations. You can generally find them
in ftp archives.
11) How do I edit binary files with VI ?
To do this you need a program that converts you binary file to
a plain ascii file. In the EX/VI archives there are two programs
to do this:
vi.bed.tar.Z - A good frontend.
vi.bined.tar.Z - Two filters to convert binary files to/from ascii.
Claims to solve the "Line to long" message.
12) Why does vi sometimes tell me 'Too much macro text'?
When vi starts up, it looks in three places for initialisation commands
of some description. It first looks in your EXINIT environmental
variable. If it doesn't find that, then it looks in the current
directory for a file called .exrc (some vi's do this *as well as*
looking at EXINIT anyway), and sources that instead. If it doesn't find
either of these, then it sources $HOME/.exrc.
The problem is that some vi's source both .exrc files anyway (this is
wrong - it should only ever source one), and vi's buffers overflow
giving you the above error message. One more bug found, Mr. Joy.
13) Is there a list of bugs in vi?
Not at the minute. If anyone would like to collect a list of known
bugs, I'd be happy to post it with this FAQ.
14) Whats a folding editor?
Another word for 'folding editor' is 'outline editor'.
This is quite a hard concept to explain without having a folding editor
in front of you to explain with. The idea behind it is to hide text
behind some sort of descriptive heading. For instance, if you were
working on some C code, but didn't want to see the millions of C
headers, you could fold that text away behind the heading 'INCLUDE FILES',
In a normal text editor, the file would look like:
--- begin ---
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <bar/foo/blrufl.h>
#include <ktb/kick/inside.h>
#include <mary/had/a/little/lamb.h>
int heights()
return wuthering();
--- end ---
in a folding editor, it might look something like this:
--- begin ---
int heights()
return wuthering();
--- end ---
Of course, the line can be unfolded, and you can see the original text,
and in editors such as Origami, this folding can be nested.
15) Where can I get the DEC editor EDT for UNIX.
[ Information supplied by Castor Fu (castor@drizzle.stanford.edu) ]
1. Using the the GNU Emacs EDT emulator.
This provides you with the key bindings but doesn't really have
the look and feel. One of the nicest things about EDT for novices
is that it really controls a vtxxx terminal competently, and makes
use of highlighting, keypad, etc. to aid casual users. This
implementation is designed for the "expert" edt user who has no
need for such niceties and primarily wants the key bindings for
his keypad.
2. Buy a commercial product. Probably the most widely used such is
EDT+ from:
Boston Business Computing
3 Dundee Park,
Andover, MA 01810
+1 508 470-0444, FAX +1 508 474-8244.
I used their product a little bit on a Multiflow, but not enough to
REALLY tell how good it is.
Their product will probably cost somewhere $500 and $1000. But it
really looks like EDT to me.
3. Wait for DEC to announce it's port of TPU to Ultrix? I heard they
intend to make this a product.
4. We've started using Anker Berg-Sonne's SEDT. It's become the editor
of choice in our group among those who don't already know vi or
emacs, because it's very easy to use. I don't know why, but it is
not widely used/known about in the unix world for some reason.
(See also question 2 for where to find this editor).
Ove Ruben R Olsen a Gnarfer and VI user. EMAIL: ruben@uib.no.
Maintaining the EX/VI-archive and a couple of the Comp.Editors FAQs.
People that are ignorant tend to live a frustrated life, at least when
it comes to editing - But I do belive this is a general rule in life
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.editors:7147 news.answers:4095
Newsgroups: comp.editors,news.answers
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!ira.uka.de!ira.uka.de!math.fu-berlin.de!news.netmbx.de!Germany.EU.net!mcsun!sunic!ugle.unit.no!alf.uib.no!buboo
From: buboo@alf.uib.no (Ove Ruben R Olsen)
Subject: comp.editors - VI Archives
Message-ID: <Ruben-FAQ3-0002@alf.uib.no>
Followup-To: poster
Supersedes: <Ruben-FAQ3-0001@alf.uib.no>
Reply-To: Ruben@Uib.no
Organization: University of Bergen, Norway
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 92 19:02:43 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: Fri 17 Dec 92 19:02:05 GMT
Lines: 340
Archive-name: editor-faq/VI_Archive_List
This is a monthly posting of the INDEX files on ex/vi stuff on
ftp-archives around the world.
New files in the info section:
New files in the macro section:
Other newsitems:
Remeber that those who allow anonymous-ftp are very kind. Please do
not misuse or abuse YOUR privilegde using anonymous FTP.
Think twice before fetching, esp if you are a long-distance ftp'er.
If you are going to use FTP, use the site that is the closest to you
counting NET-VICE. If you don't know what I'm talking about, please
ask someone who know (ie. your system administrator).
temporarly cannot reach the ftp-sites.
The mirroring sites are always updated.
Why YOU shold use the site closest to you NET-VICE:
- Faster access.
- Reducing the net load.
- Keeping the site.
The main archive is in Bergen, Norway, EUROPE.
alf.uib.no is mirrored thru sites around the world.
Please use the site closest to you.
The mirroing sites are ALWAYS updated.
Please do NOT use ftp to the sites during peak hours at the various
locations. Please respect this or else, if there is too much FTP'ing
going on prime time to the various places, the ftp site may have to
The following sites contains the VI/EX archives:
European users:
Main site: alf.uib.no (
Filearea: pub/lpf/misc
Maintainer: Ove Ruben R Olsen (Ove.R.Olsen@UiB.no)
Location: Bergen, Norway, EUROPE.
Peak hours: 07.00 am GMT to 03.00 pm GMT
Japanese users:
Mirror site: utsun.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp (
Filearea: misc/vi-archive
Maintainer: Eric E. Bowles (bowles@utsun.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Location: Tokyo, Japan, ASIA.
Peak hours: 01.00 am GMT to 09.00 am GMT
USA, Canada and Mexican users:
Mirror site: cs.uwp.edu (
Filearea: /pub/vi
Maintainer: Dave Datta (datta@cs.uwp.edu)
Location: Kenosha, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Peak hours: None.
Australia, NZ and the rest Down Under:
Main site: monu6.cc.monash.edu.au (
Filearea: /pub/Vi
Maintainer: Steve Balogh (steve@monash.edu.au)
Location: Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.
Peak hours: Not relevent
This site is listed here for convinience to those who do not have
an Inet link, but do subscribe to GEnie.
GEnie (General Electric Network for Information Exchange):
Mirror site: Ultimate archive
Filearea: GEnie Unix RoundTable, library 11: Editors
Maintainer: GEnie mail=GARS
Location: Rockville, Maryland, U.S.A.
Peak hours: Available 24 hours but connect charges are reduced
from 1800 until 0800 local connect time (international
connect subject to PDN tarriffs)
Add. info.: Maint. may be contacted at (01) 501-227-7817
Gary Smith / P. O. Drawer 7680 / Little Rock, AR 72217
I have built a Tiny Little Mailserver. This mailserver will send files to
those with NO FTP-access at all.
The mailservers adress is BUBOO@ALF.UIB.NO, the same adress wich is in the
Reply-To: field.
To get a file from the mailserver put the keyword GET in the subject line.
Subject: GET vi.passwd.Z
To get files in the macro area, put macros/ before the filname.
Subject: GET macros/upcase
The Mailserver will only understand the GET command.
The Mailserver will send a Controll File for each file requested. The
controll file will give you status information about your request.
The mailserver can only handle ONE FILE PER REQUEST. If you want more than
one file, send several Emails.
DO NOT request the whole archive! If you request the whole archive I'm
going to mail your admin about it. If you want the whole archive, request
a small amounts (max 10) of files everyday.
Before fetching a file, think: "Do I realy need this file, or is it just
'nice to have it' ?"
All files will be run thru uuencode(1) before mailed, even textfiles.
If you do not get a reply withing reasonable time, please do not send
more request about the file(s). The mailserver is probaly down if this
happends. If the server is down, it will be restarted withing 24 hours.
BEWARE: If the mailserver DOES NOT UNDERSTAND the receiptent-adress,
no mail will be forwarded. The maintainer does NOT have the
time to manualy process badly formed adresses.
If you have stuff about ex/vi, macros, tips and tricks, plase email it to
Ove.R.Olsen@uib.no for inclusion in the archive.
Ove Ruben R Olsen
LPF- Archive maintainer.
# Mostly files on vi.
# Index of archive: alf.uib.no (
# Filearea: /pub/lpf/misc
# Archive updated: Tue Aug 11 10:07:52 GMT 1992
# Mirroring archives: utsun.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp (
# cs.uwp.edu (
# monu6.cc.monash.edu.au (
If one of the mirror-archives are closer to you, plase get the files
from there.
In the macros/ directory there exsist macros for vi. Look at file
UCB = University of California, Berkley. (Hometown of vi)
CED = comp.editors NetNews discussion.
A '*' in front of the filename indicate a new or updated file since last
posting to comp.editors.
INDEX This file.
HELP Help file for the Emailserver.
POINTERS Pointers to other interesting stuff. (VI resemblence).
WHO A 'thank you' too all who have submitted to the archive.
ced.tips.Inx.Z Comp.Editors tips collections INDEX file.
ced.tips.1.Z Comp.Editors tips collection. October 91 issue.
ced.tips.2.Z Comp.Editors tips collection. November 91 issue.
ced.tips.3.Z Comp.Editors tips collection. December 91 issue.
ced.tips.4.Z Comp.Editors tips collection. January 92 issue.
ced.tips.5.Z Comp.Editors tips collection. February 92 issue.
ced.tips.6.Z Comp.Editors tips collection. March 92 issue.
ced.tips.7.Z Comp.Editors tips collection. April 92 issue.
ced.tips.8.Z Comp.Editors tips collection. May 92 issue.
*comp.editors.ARC Comp.Editors FAQ VI/EX archivelist.
*comp.editors.EDS Comp.Editors FAQ list of editors.
*comp.editors.FAQ Comp.Editors FAQ.
comp.editors2 The other file posted to comp.editors once in a while.
comp.editors3 Standard reply for info. requests on C.E.
editech.1.Z General techiques on editor implementation.
editech.2.Z Updating the screen in a buffer-gap editor.
editech.3.Z How to 'store' the file in memory. Buffer GAP method.
editech.4.Z Buffer management in the Poplog editor VED.
elvis.Z Laitest ELVIS (1.5) doc - The VI clone that run on most OS.
ex.changes.Z EX changes from version to version. UCB-dist.
ex.fix.Z An Encore EX fix.
ex.reference.Z EX Reference Manual. UCB-dist. A Must.
ex.summary.Z EX Command Summary. UCB-dist.
jl.ex.ref.Z Another reference for VI.
lvi.tar.Z The Learners Introduction to VI. Interactive. Bo Thide.
mvi.c.Z Direcotry utility using VI.
nvi.tar.Z Novice VI. Bo Thide.
shell-100.BetaA.Z Conversion table between different shells.
vi.1.Z VI formated help manual. BEWARE: Not a "real" manual.
vi.132.Z A tip on using vi on vt-100 with 132 colums.
vi.apwh.ms.Z VI Command & Function Reference. UCB-dist.
vi.bed.tar.Z A frontend to VI for edtiting binary files. Version: 1.0
vi.beginers.Z VI beginers guide.
vi.bined.tar.Z Filters for edit of binary files. OK for too-long lines.
vi.books.Z A short note on books on VI.
vi.card.tex.Z VI reference card in TeX. Found inside learn-vi.tar.Z
vi.chars.Z Apendix: character functions. UCB-dist. A Must.
vi.chars.tex.Z A \LaTeX fyed version of vi.chars.Z. Maurizio Codogno.
vi.ckv.Z Diary/Log editing and C-programming.
vi.ckv2.Z RCS-maintaining and Shell programing.
vi.course.Z A course on using VI. Paper.
vi.course.tar.Z A course package on using VI. Paper.
vi.crypt.Z Tips and macros on handling crypted files/mail. M. Wyle.
vi.e2.tar.Z A File history interface. A must. Version: 1.3
vi.help.Z VI recerence card. Found inside learn-vi.tar.Z
vi.innforing.Z A NORWEGIAN introduction to VI. Version 1.3-160.
vi.intro.Z Introduction on Display Editing with VI. UCB-dist. A Must.
vi.intro.ps.Z vi.intro in PostScript format. UCB-dist.
vi.keybind.Z Tips on binding keys (map/map!). CED -posting.
vi.keys.Z What key's to map in VI. Table. Followed by a CED.
vi.love.Z A colletions of "Why do you love vi ?" from comp.editors.
vi.macroDoc.tar.Z Two docs describing macros in VI. Sample exrc file incl.
vi.macros.Z Macros, Abbrevitations, and Buffers.
vi.man.tut.Z VI manual-page with a tutor.
vi.mks.ant.Z Tips on macros in the MKS version of VI. Anthony C Howe.
vi.motd.tar.Z Global /etc/motd file editor.
vi.multfile.Z A doc on how to work with multiple files in VI.
vi.online-200.tar VI ON-LINE HELP with 'windows for vi'. Version 2.00
vi.passwd.Z A script for "secure" editing of /etc/passwd.
vi.passwd.fix.Z A fix to vi.passwd.fix.Z
vi.patch.Z Patch to fix a "security" hole in VI.
vi.quick.Z VI Quick reference card.
vi.ref.Z UNIX VI quick reference card.
vi.refchrt.Z VI reference chart.
vi.reference.Z VI reference. Version 8. Maarten Litmaath. A Must.
vi.reference.ms.Z VI reference for typesetters.
vi.reformat.tar.Z A WordStar like reformat. Better than fmt (1) ?
vi.sandr.Z CED posting about Search and Replace.
vi.sigint.fix.Z A src fix for VI dealing with 'sigint'.
vi.song.Z A song about VI.
vi.ss.qrf.Z Super Short quick reference card. Fits on a 80x24 screen.
vi.startup.d.Z NetNews discussion about ex:COMMAND / vi:COMMAND feature.
vi.summary.Z VI / EX Quick reference. UCB-dist.
vi.tabs.Z A tip on tabs in VI.
vi.tagStack.Z Patch for vaxen to make tag stack avail. Fixes for sun.
vi.tags.Z A paper on a tag-technique. Using tags like macros.
vi.tips.Z Beginer's tips on VI.
vi.tutor.Z The tutor-file from vi.tutor.tar.Z (tutor.vi).
vi.tutor.tar.Z An interactive tutor for VI. (Ver: 1.3) Beginers choice.
vi.tutor.tex.Z A exelent documet to use with vi.tutor.Z. Beginers choise.
vi.ucb.tar.Z* The whole UCB-dist package.
vi.vms.Z Information about VI for the VMS environment (DEC-VAX).
vi.xvi.tar.Z Binary editor with VI command subset. Excelent ! A must !
vi-buffer.el.Z Invoke VI inside emacs.
* DO *_N_O_T_* try to fetch this file via the Email interface. Most UUCP
mailers do NOT like files with more than 100000 bytes. A uuencoded version
of this file is 2833 lines long and 175445 bytes big. The contenst of this
tar archive is spread around as several files. I will under NO circumstances
ever implement a mail spliting in the mailserver. I have other more usefull
things to do.
# VI macros.
# Index of archive: alf.uib.no
# Filearea: /pub/lpf/misc/macros
# Archive maintainer: Ove Ruben R Olsen rubenro@viggo.blh.no.
# Archive updated: Tue Jun 23 08:40:06 GMT 1992
# Mirroring archives: utsun.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
# cs.uwp.edu
# monu6.cc.monash.edu.au
If one of the mirror-archives are closer to you, plase get the files
from there.
CED = Comp.editors discussion/article in NetNews.
A '*' in front of the filename indicate a new or updated file since last
posting to comp.editors.
INDEX - This file.
README - A readmefile about the macros in this archive.
ball.tar.Z - Bouncing ball macro. Gadepalli, Balu, Subramanian.
blocks - Block- delte, move and copy. Sep 24 1991. Geoff Clare.
blocks.d.Z - Explanation of the blocks-macros. Sep 24 1991.
c.template.Z - Vi C-mode. Mitchell Wyle.
case - Convert case on word/line. * Bryan Ewbank.
case.word - Another word-case converter... Bryan Ewbank.
case.word2 - An improved case.word. * Jon Eiseman.
cases.d.Z - CED about vi and caseconversions.
caseword - Convert case on word. Eelco van Asperen.
center - Center text, spell check. Dave Beyerl.
cil.tc - Comment, Invert, Lint. Tom Christiansen.
cmacros - Small and quick C-macros. CED.
commentC.tar.Z - Very good way to do C-comments. Rob Hutten.
complete - Word completions using CTRL-Keys. E. Bowles.
complete.ext - Some extensions to 'complete'
complete.new - New version of complete.
cvi.Z - C Syntax Sensitive editing. Bo Thide.
emacs.style - Emacs style editing. Steve Kinzler.
evi.tar.Z - Full Blown Emacs emulator. Bo Thide.
execute - Easy way to execute exsternal commands. Stephen Reihm.
exrc.ach - "The Super .exrc File" compiled by Anthony C Howe.
exrc.brp - A nice exrc file from Bill "Rock" Petro.
fill - An easy way to fill a paragraph. Seigo Fujii.
fold.tar.Z - A folding package E. Bowles..
folding - The macro from folding.d.Z.
folding.d.Z - CED about "fold-editing" with vi.
generals - General, text, mail, C, Modula-2. Compiled by M. Lamoureux
generals.2 - EXRC and Pascal. Bradford L Knowles.
goodies.tar.Z - Find prev word, emacs-mode, C-mode and others. M. Neitzel.
hanoi - VI solves the infamous 'Towers of hanoi'. Greg McFarlane.
jl.ex - Some 'beginer' macros. Joel Loo Peing Ling.
latex - Latex mode. (Wery few, but promising) Mitchell Wyle.
latex2 - Latex mode. Oeyvind Flaam.
mail.enc.Z - Working with encrypted mail. Good. Mitchell Wyle.
man - Manpage lookup. Untested.
markring - Marking places in the text the easy way. Daniel Smith.
maze.tar.Z - Maze solving with vi. Greg McFarlane.
modula2 - Modula-2 macro package. Mitchell Wyle.
modula2.new - Modula-2 macro package. Roland Bickel.
morse - Write morsekode. Hugh McGuinness.
mymorse - Exchangement to 'morse'. No map!ings of lowercase.
perl - Perl mode. Kenneth C Rich.
ruler - Rulermacro. Bill Petro.
srm - Search and Replace macro. Very HEAVY stuff.. :-) D Wallach
turing.tar.Z - A turing machine with vi. Dave Hitz.
upcase - Turn your last typed word in to uppercase letters. L. Quin.
wordsearch - Macro from wordsearch.d.Z. Elliott C Winslow.
wordsearch.d.Z - CED about searching for word under cursor.
ws - Word Star emulator. Version 0.00. Ove Ruben R Olsen.
* I have not got this to work.
Ove Ruben R Olsen a Gnarfer and VI user. EMAIL: ruben@uib.no.
Maintaining the EX/VI-archive and a couple of the Comp.Editors FAQs.
People that are ignorant tend to live a frustrated life, at least when
it comes to editing - But I do belive this is a general rule in life
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.mail.elm:8535 news.answers:4591
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!micro-heart-of-gold.mit.edu!news.bbn.com!olivea!spool.mu.edu!dsinc!dsinc!not-for-mail
From: syd@dsinc.DSI.COM (Syd Weinstein)
Newsgroups: comp.mail.elm,news.answers
Subject: Changes to the Monthly Elm Posting from the Elm Development Group
Keywords: diffs monthly elm posting
Message-ID: <1gjdeeINNohk@dsinc.dsi.com>
Date: 15 Dec 92 01:46:54 GMT
Sender: syd@dsi.com
Followup-To: poster
Organization: Datacomp Systems, Inc., Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
Lines: 464
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
NNTP-Posting-Host: dsinc.dsi.com
Archive-name: elm-monthly/diff
*** o.elm.monthly Tue Nov 10 15:27:10 1992
--- elm.monthly Mon Dec 14 20:46:21 1992
*** 15,29 ****
this posting or Elm itself to elm@dsi.com (dsinc!elm). See the
README section of this posting for info on some Elm 2.4 FAQ's.
This posting generated:
! Tue Nov 10 15:24:15 EST 1992
! Current release version: Elm 2.4 PL8
This version was released at patch level 0.
comp.sources.unix Posting-number: (Not yet posted)
Archive-name: (Not yet posted)
Patches are posted to comp.sources.bugs and comp.mail.elm
After they are stable, patches are sent to comp.sources.unix
! Five patch sets have been posted, 1/2, 3, 4/5, 6, 7/8.
Archive-name: (No patches yet posted to comp.sources.unix)
Patches are available from the archive server at DSI.COM:
send mail to archive-server@DSI.COM
--- 15,30 ----
this posting or Elm itself to elm@dsi.com (dsinc!elm). See the
README section of this posting for info on some Elm 2.4 FAQ's.
This posting generated:
! Mon Dec 14 20:46:08 EST 1992
! Current release version: Elm 2.4 PL17
This version was released at patch level 0.
comp.sources.unix Posting-number: (Not yet posted)
Archive-name: (Not yet posted)
Patches are posted to comp.sources.bugs and comp.mail.elm
After they are stable, patches are sent to comp.sources.unix
! The following patch sets have been posted, 1/2, 3, 4/5,
! 6, 7/8, 9/10, 11, 12/13, 14-17.
Archive-name: (No patches yet posted to comp.sources.unix)
Patches are available from the archive server at DSI.COM:
send mail to archive-server@DSI.COM
*** 136,141 ****
--- 137,197 ----
think that the message is 'remote'. This is not slated to
change until 3.0.
+ Why Elm adds your local hosts qualification to reply addresses:
+ (Or why the DANGER WILL ROBINSON KLUDGE is in the code)
+ Elm passes any address off to the alias mapper to see if it
+ needs expansion. If you are replying to a bare user name of
+ abc, Elm converts it to abc@localhost.domain (assuming internet
+ addressing, myhost!abc for the rest). This is to prevent the
+ alias expansion. If you were to have, in you private Elm alias
+ table an alias of abc that pointer to
+ J.Q.Public@somewhere.domain, if the address wasn't qualified,
+ Elm would convert the reply to abc to go to
+ J.Q.Public@somewhere.domain. This is generally not what you
+ want :-)
+ If you can guarantee that no private alias will ever match a local user
+ name on your system, then you can disable the kludge code. The kludge
+ will have to remain until 3.0 when Elm will track whether an address
+ has been/should be expanded, and its prior to and after expansion values.
+ In 2.x it doesn't do that.
+ How can I get elm to NOT expand the alias list on outgoing msgs?
+ Problem is if a list has, say, 100 names in it then sending to the list
+ expands every single one of the 100 names. I would like the message to
+ have the "To" line = the name of the list itself and have the actual
+ recipients' names not appear.
+ You can't and don't want to. (and yet you can also) An alias is
+ a mechanism of making Elm address a message to multiple
+ people. However, when the message gets to its destination, Elm
+ also has to allow that person do a group reply. If the message
+ only has your local private elm alias in it, the group reply
+ will try and go to that alias name. Unfortunately, that name
+ is meaningless to that other person (its private to both Elm
+ and you).
+ There are two solutions:
+ The preferred if replies are desired:
+ Have your mail administrator create a file include
+ alias for you in your MTA (sendmail, et al).. This is
+ usually of the type
+ alias :include:/some/path/to/a/file
+ where the file would be in a place you control and you have write access
+ to the file. Then you can add/drop members of the list, and
+ the mail just goes to the alias, and, someone sending to
+ alias@your.system will be able to send to all members. (group
+ reply works correctly)
+ The less preferred method: (no group reply is possible)
+ Send the message to yourself, with a bcc to the Elm
+ alias.
+ Of course, the Bcc: won't be expanded by the MTA internal to
+ the message, so it won't appear in the message.
From comp.mail.elm, dws@ssec.wisc.edu (DaviD W. Sanderson) writes:
>... whoever wrote the default termcap
>and/or terminfo descriptions for xterm included in the ti/te strings
*** 195,201 ****
at the same time we are working on the next release. Also starting with
release 2.2 a list of known problems will be published in this posting.
! Known bugs in Elm 2.4 PL5:
The following are from the Elm 2.4 "To.Do" list that are
considered bugs, not enhancements, that have not yet been done. Items
which are enhancements are not listed here. It is our intention to
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at the same time we are working on the next release. Also starting with
release 2.2 a list of known problems will be published in this posting.
! Known bugs in Elm 2.4 PL13:
The following are from the Elm 2.4 "To.Do" list that are
considered bugs, not enhancements, that have not yet been done. Items
which are enhancements are not listed here. It is our intention to
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change is to fix it, and what else it ties into in the 3.0 work).
Items marked fixed will be deleted from the list on the next posting.
- 1. General bugs and configuration bugs
! GB01 The ordering of some sets of configuration questions could
! be improved. In some cases, the answer to a later question
! renders an earlier question moot. In such cases, the latter
! should proceed the former so that the former would only be
! asked if need be.